Hello again everyone. First I must thank everyone again for all the support they have given continued support to Nu Gnosis magazine and this blog. It's been a while since I have checked in, mainly because by day I'm a school teacher and I've been fried from over work. (I know! Lots of fun-- but I'm sure most can relate) Anyways, it's been a blast to be exposed to such creative and original work from our contributors over the past three years. In Vol 3 No. 1 we had a sneak peak at revelations in relation to Thelema with special attention given to Babalon and the Beast.
In No 3, there Paul Rovelli did a wonderful a follow up article on Genesis where we look at creation in terms of a holographic projection. And once again he really dives deep into this and makes Genesis truly a fascinating qabalistic narrative connecting it with the holy books of Thelema and the alchemical tradition. In another sense the Thelemic canon is a not yet corrupted third testament of the western mystery traditions.
So you can read this short teaser here and if you have the heart and mind for it you can read the rest in Vol 3 No. 2 which you can purchase here: The rest of it of course is available through our latest issue which you can purchase here: Nu Gnosis V3 N2
An Exegesis of the Adam-Kadmon:
Gnostic Syzygy
The qabalistic Adam-Kadmon is paralleled in the concept of the Gnostic
Syzygy; a dual-gendered hologram from which the human race is generated. It also provides for us the concept of the
biune god; celebrated in the Gnostic Church of L.V.X. The Divine or that which is called God is
ITself, ineffable and cannot be described or comprehended in any way by the
human mind.
Yet in qabalistic teaching, this God reflects ITself into the aethyric
substance of light (L.V.X.) that forms the material Universe; Herself. Hence, the Goddess, also celebrated in our
church is the material body of the God that is ineffable spirit. Thus, we have the archetype of the biune God
that then finds substantiation in the Earth and Her men and women that are
generated by Her. And not from one
initial pair of human beings; the Adam and Eve of Genesis, but of all human
The mystery of creation is hidden in the opening verses of the Book of
Genesis from which the Qabalah itself is derived. And of interesting note, chapter one of this
book contains thirty-one verses; thirty-one being the key to Liber AL vel
Legis. As these verses unfold, we can
find in them the mystery of creation that on an exoteric level has but a weak
parallel and is relatively incomprehensible from any denotative point of view;
being the reason why theologians have basically refrained from any analysis of
the document. Verses seem to repeat
themselves, but in a slightly different manner; providing a rationale for this
difficulty. But also, to the exoteric
mind, the overt explanation seems straightforward, as if the esoteric mystery
is hidden in plain sight. So, let us
proceed to take a look at these verses:
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
When the upper world was created; the Ain Soph was filled and became
pregnant by the Ain and brought forth two children; being Heaven and
Earth. The upper world was symbolized by
the first two letters of the name of God (Tetragrammaton); Yod and Heh, so that
the lower world; the children were then symbolized by the last two letters; Vau
and Heh-final. Tetragrammaton of course, gives us the transliterated name of
God in English—Jehovah.
The male and female symbolism is here reinterpreted, as parent and
child to demonstrate the involution of spirit (the Divine) into manifestation. We find this well capitulated in the Court
Cards of the Holy Tarot; the Knight mating with the Queen to generate the
Prince and Princess, who then mate that the Princess is set on the throne of
the Queen to awaken the eld of the King.
For more on this, see Crowley’s Book of Thoth.
From this it is said that the Earth is fed from the waters of Heaven,
which in the ancient world were called Gaia and Uranus; respectively. And from the view of the Ruach, the Heaven or
upper most point is Da’ath, which is why in the Thelemic Qabalah, Uranus is
attributed to Da’ath and not Saturn. But
what we are addressing here is the height of the spiritual realm, where the
ineffable; the Ain is said to be casting a reflection of ITself, or pouring ITself into the Ain Soph, which would
ultimately produce the Magickal Childe or the Aur (L.V.X.) that we call
Kether—the crown and known exoterically, as God the father. The Ain is then essentially male in relation
to the Ain Soph; that is female in this relation; producing the trinity of
spirit that is the Ain Soph Aur.
2 And the earth was without
form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of
God moved upon the face of the waters.
The qabalah recapitulates this verse by saying countenance beheld
not-countenance. It is as if the two
counter-charged forces met at a point of agitation (the desire of Babalon);
like two sticks rubbed together to create a spark of fire; the L.V.X. that is
Kether; the center of force that is the product of Ain concentrating ITself, so
that it might come to know ITself and emanate into manifestation. This center is the Yechidah of the human
soul, which is why the next verse flows naturally from this verse.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The whole of the Tree-of-Life is contained in this concentrated center
that is ITself but a reflection of the Ain and the Ain Soph; the NOT that is
without limit, thus ITself being a limitless light (L.V.X., Ain Soph Aur) that must contain all the subsequent
emanations of the Sefirot. This is the
divine fiat generated by that desire (Babalon) to come to know ITself in the
formulation of Kether; the head of Macrorosopus.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light
from the darkness.
In thelemic parlance, the Ain and Ain Soph are the N.O.X., as the Ain
Soph Aur is the L.V.X. Thus the NOT
becomes the ONE; existence (“the light” or L.V.X.) being separated from
non-existence (“the darkness” or N.O.X.).
By separating the Ain SophAur from the Ain Soph, the force that would
impel emanation is set in motion; Agape.
To read the full article and access several other wonderful articles in this issue you can get our magazine Nu Gnosis V3 N2.
To read the full article and access several other wonderful articles in this issue you can get our magazine Nu Gnosis V3 N2.